Monday, July 4, 2016

The Dagon Nightclub

     The Dagon Nightclub at the HP Lovecraft Hotel and Casino is probably not the best place to go for fun and excitement, unless your idea of fun and excitement is standing before a crude depiction of the god of deep sea groupers gone mad and murmuring chants from the Necronomicon in an effort to get it to come to life, or at least to bleed. The people who belong here all know who they are and there is a very good chance none of them are you. The lighting is ominous, the food is questionable and in many cases unidentifiable and the music is samples of distant cries of despair. You do not come here to find a date you come here to prove yourself unsuited as a dating partner. Like I say the people who come here all know who they are. Many of them own comic book stores and a lot of them live with their mothers and not all the mothers may still be alive. Like I say......well, just read the previous "like I say" and we'll both save each other a lot of time.