Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Electronic Card Reader

   This is the card-reading device on the doors of the Twilek-themed venues and for all credit card transactions. Can you figure out where the card gets slid at? No, not at the suction cup nipples, yes, that's right, down farther, in the cunt lips, or labia majori, or the double hills of thrills.  Yes, there is nothing quite like a pussy to take your money, don't you agree? We just take it to the logical extreme, we make it so's there's no ambiguity about what is going on, you are losing your money to a pussy. But  then there's worse ways to lose it, which would be all the other ways. The slot is a two way slot, you can slide the card back and forth or up and down. She responds equally fully to both, assuming your card is legitimate. If it isnt, syphilis bacteria drenches your card with an invisible microscopic film and the little Twilek machine will say to you "Lick the card and try again, tiger." This gets the bacteria into your system, hopefully, and even more hopefully teaches you a lesson: fuck in the New Las Vegas but don't fuck with it.

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