Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Buffet at the HPL H&C

The HP Lovecraft buffet has been described by the charitable as "offputting" and by the rude as "stomach-turning to the point of suicide." Those who actually like it call it "Fa'Taghath Llarglephaggah wharph-than-uggh-fahtaghnah!" And I don't think you can do much better than that.
   The average visitor does not make it past the entrance doors, the walk-up to the place is decidedly
menacing with C'thulhu's groinal tentacles weaving up around the rocks and pillars. Those who do venture into the dining hall more often than not regret they did, the only item visible is what appears to be a deceased raw object on the floor of the room from which a smell like a dumpster made of aged
dog smegma wafts like a motionless hurricane against every surface in the room and coats every visible molecule with the aroma of gutted dairy cows. the buffet does not turn anything close to a profit it only seems to turn stomachs, but on the plus side the waitresses are all naked and attractive and will be happy to give you blowjobs. The Old Ones might be revolting but they are not prudes.

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