Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Aryan Hotel And Casino

   All the female personnel at the Aryan Hotel and Casino look like this. The Aryan H and C don't actually give a shit about what you think about racial harmony: if you are not glowing white with caucasian snow-like skin cells on your bodily surface and you are a female you are not going to get a job at the AH and C. If you are a man you can look a lot ruddier. But you better have well defined Norwegian Viking facial features. The Aryan is dedicated and devoted to white racism. You can include supremacism if you want but they don't actually proclaim that. Their opinion - and mine - is that you don't really have to proclaim it: that everyone knows it instinctively; that it is ingrained into the human DNA: "whitey is superior." No one would argue this. Now, if you are a guest at the Aryan - you don't have to be Aryan. The New Las Vegas is not about discrimination. It's about profit. When it comes to accepting the customer's money, everybody's is green. "Nigger 20's spend just as good as honky or chink or slope or moolie 20's." Or so says Rudy the manager.
    Aryan superiority is not overtly expressed at the Aryan. Pure white women are merely displayed for the sake of displaying them, and if you think your little ching-chang shuffling tiny-footed slant-eyed gal or your hottentot-assed 300 pound Ugandan gal is one-up on the white chick goddesses when it comes to good looks, hey, that's entirely your perogative. But be prepared to be quietly laughed at for your stupidity. But your money will be accepted. Just not your advice about anything. Because obviously you can't think. According to Rudy.

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