Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The New Las Vegas Wax Museum

   The wax museum in the New Las Vegas is a bit different from the other ones in existence. Everyone is naked. This here is a depiction of Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine. As you can see, it rocks. Most wax museums you want to leave the instant you realize you have made a mammoth mistake. Which realization comes as soon as you enter the wax museum. And after you have paid the admission price. Which is not refundable. This wax museum however….no way you are going to want to leave. John Hamm will be there, naked as pie, with a boner the size of a box car. Who is going to want to walk out on that. Not me. And I'm not even gay. The stars will be fighting each other for the chance to be in this wax museum because all their pathetic body parts will be enlarged or proportioned to the way they want their fans to imagine that they actually look. When they actually don't. Plus they have lots of wiggle room for plausible denial. Which no one would ever question. But why would they want to plausably deny awesomeness? I mean, do you think Jeri Ryan really looks like this naked? She would kill everyone in Scranton to look like this if the outcome of looking like this was guaranteed. But she doesn't have to do that now. She can look like this without ever even entering Scranton. I mean, talk about a win-win: you get to look like this; AND you don't have to go to Scranton. Forget about murdering everyone. Yeah: the New Las Vegas wax museum. I already have my tickets.

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