Thursday, May 30, 2013

What This Blog Is


This blog is the kickoff action of my one-man determination to recreate Las Vegas in my own image. Which would be one of adult-oriented debauchery and vice. On steroids. Now, don't get me wrong, not everything about the present-day Las Vegas is Lost. Namely the gambling, that's fine, and the architecture of luxuriousness in the hotels, excluding the Excalibur and the Paris and the New York and a few others, of course, that's fine. But this kiddieland nonsense that has corrupted the place perhaps beyond repair is something that needs to be attacked, attacked hard, and hopefully eradicated. The attack will come here from this blog and the eradication will hopefully come about as a result of other people who are in a position to eradicate things having read this blog or at least having been contaminated by its virus.
   You have to wonder what happened at the table at the meeting where it was decided that ruining the most visited, most wonderful, most capitalistic, most customer-oriented city on earth by recreating it in the image of the cities of the earth that people leave in order to come to Las Vegas……you have to wonder what was in the water pitchers in that room. You have to wonder at the douchebaggery running rampant in the hallways and offices of the executive boardrooms where this decision was okayed without a riot ensuing. And then after deciding to turn Las Vegas into fucking Elizabethan England, Paris France, Venice Italy, Rome Italy, and a pirate-themed building where no actual pirate motifs exist other than outside on the street, and which are, even those, being dismantled, the people in the room with the contaminated water supply decide to make it "family friendly." "Let's bring children into what is allegedly Sin City and make it Legoland!!"
   I am making it my personal mission to undo all of this and be the source-point of the New Las Vegas, created in my image, since everyone else's image for the place is a big fucking pile of shit.
   And that's what this blog is about. Thank you. Oh, and fuck you!

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