Saturday, December 28, 2013

Room Service

This is room service in the New Las Vegas: a prostitute. If you want she can bring food. The present Las Vegas has a law against prostitution. The "thinking" is it takes attention away from the gambling tables. This is not actual thinking however under any definition of the word. Actual thinking would be if you were going to have any kind of prostitution law it would be that the prostitute is required to spend some of her time with you at the gambling tables. And really, is a million dollar skim from prostitutes somehow less money than a million dollar skim from the slot machines? Let me walk you through this my Mafioso Thinking-Dudes: no. Getting back to Yolanda, here, she has had a tough day standing by your side at the crap table and now her foot hurts. Could you maybe massage it, Senyore? Por favor? And also por some cash my fren'? I can hear you saying yes from here.

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