Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hell Hotel Consierge

   The Hell Hotel is nothing if not service oriented. While it would befuddle the employees there should it happen, it is possible a guest might have an issue he needs resolved. Customer dissatisfaction is taken seriously so your mediator is calculated to make you less ill at ease than other things in the hotel might be failing at. Or will be failing at, actually. The Hell Hotel does not actually expect to turn a profit. What it expects is that you will commit suicide. Still, some sacrifices have to be made in the direction of  normal expectations, so that is why "Summer" exists. That is Summer above. She's actually a delight. Your meeting with Summer will be alone. She does not permit herself to ever be outnumbered. Actually the management doesn't permit it. Summer sees being outnumbered as a challenge. Not much of one but certainly more than a mere one on one combat, which she finds demeaning. To her. So, you will be alone with Summer and you will explain your dissatisfaction. And she will decide what to do about it. And she will do something about it. What she does depends a lot on you. On your attitude, actually, more than on your complaint itself. For example, you complaining about tarantulas in your room and doing it in a polite and excusatory manner will very likely get her to nod and assure you quietly that it will be handled to your satisfaction. On the other hand you complaining that the do not disturb sign keeps falling off the handle and complaining about it in an abusive tone just might get you immediately and ferociously dismembered, your body devoured, and your whereabout denied by one and all of the rest of the staff. For their own good, if for no other reason. Hey, it's called the Hell Hotel. It's not called Mother Gooseland.

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