Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Benign Sarkovsky Brother

   The benign member of the Sarkovsky clan doesn't fuck the visitors for pay, he has his own show. He doesn't do much, he just lays there with a boner and select, prime, white-skinned gorgeous fodder climb aboard daily and nightly depending on scheduling and they slide up and down Garn's cock. Garn's ghostlike cement-dust skin color is toned down with spray tan so that the porcelain skins of his riders will be more visible by contrast. There are no seats for these performances, audiences are all on their feet and positioned at some acceptable viewing angle near the performance, and masturbating by the men - and the women for that matter - is not only not forbidden it is graciously encouraged. The reckless and inconsiderate ejaculating of semen however is dealt with harshly. There is none of this Monica Lewinsky nonsense tolerated. Sperm onto your own clothing not onto someone else's. This is the New Las Vegas not the new your house or some other dirty place.

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