Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The New Billboards

   This is one of the new billboards in the New Las Vegas. Courtesy of one of the artists on Deviantart. If you don't know what Deviantart is and you are not interested enough to research it via a computer search then you  don't need me to tell you what it is. Besides, it's off the point. And we try and stay focused here. So like I say this is an example of one of the billboards in the New Las Vegas. And by one of the new billboards I do not mean that this image is on a billboard. No, this is the billboard. It's an erected construction itself. The ad is on the back of the torso or on the front of the torso between the tits and pussy. You have to almost get out of your car to see what is on the ad if the billboard is by the roadside, but who would have a problem with that? Well, a faggot would. Maybe. To answer the question. Even though it was rhetorical. Buttcheeks, if not the coin of the realm in the New Las Vegas, are certainly what is utilized the most - at least in publicity and advertising and propaganda, to get the coin of the realm out of your pocket and into the pocket of the New Las Vegas entrepreneur and businessman.

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