Monday, October 20, 2014

The Twilek Bar

   Twileks seem to be the species of choice in the Star Wars universe, probably because they all like wearing little or no clothing. This coupled with a fearless attitude regarding stalkers - and they have to have more than their share of those - naturally makes them popular with us lesser, inferior species. Twilek hotties have no problem with pick-up lines or even overt attempts at making a pass or even sudden groping attacks. The game is a fifty-fifty proposition, they are as apt to encourage you as they are apt to put one of their fists all the way through your sternum and out your back. It all depends on how they feel about you feeling them up. You might be an arousing sort of dude - or gal - or you might remind them of daddy who raped them daily as infants. I suppose you could ask beforehand: "Um, can I check out your pussy with my fingers?" The reaction odds remain the same: 50-50 that you will live through it and 50-50 that you won't. The good part is that if you live through it it means you are going to get laid and not laid-out.

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