Friday, May 31, 2013

The Lobby Shows

   One good thing about the Cirque du Soleil having taken-over Las Vegas is that the world is now used to skin-tight colorful clothing on athletic men and women doing acrobatics with their legs spread. Since the New Las Vegas will not have stage shows but will instead have lobby performances of deviant sexual acts between human women and alien life forms - usually from Hell or some other unsavory place - the above picture adequately previews an example of such a performance. Since people under 18 will not be allowed within the city limits, these performances can be done in the lobbies and entrances and proscribed spaces outside the perimeters of the casinos, but near enough to the casinos so that patrons, after getting their fill of erotic stimulation via vicarious means, can take their minds off things involving their gonads and relax losing money at the gaming tables. Prostitution will also have to be legalized inside Clark County where it is now forbidden since sooner or later all these aroused customers will be willing to pay premium prices for relief, especially if relief comes via outstanding examples of human physical perfection. Which will of course be the norm in the New Las Vegas. And if the Cirque members themselves provide the sexual relief, well then so much the better.

The Emphasis Is On Orgasm

   The New Las Vegas will have two focuses, gambling, and orgasm. The visitors will be encouraged to participate in both. Since husbands and boyfriends have, as a rule, a reluctance to allow their fuck-partners access to other humans, allowing them access to non humans, demons, extraterrestrial aliens, supernatural beings and Satan himself will be generally ignored and will in the most part be encouraged so that the male partner can watch. No man is envious of a non human fucking his wife or girlfriend. It's not in the DNA. Because interspecies coupling cannot produce offspring. It's wired-into the male brainstem not to be jealous of the horse in the barn if his wife Betsy goes in and jacks it off or sucks its dick. It just aint in us to be jealous of that. If anything it's kind of hot! Motifs such as the tableau depicted above will abound in the public areas of the New Las Vegas to condition the visitors to the idea of sex with non humans. If there is a glitch in any of this at all it is the fact that the male visitors will not be quite so anxious to fuck representatives of other species because human male libido-response relies almost solely on visual stimuli, with physical stimuli following once the libido is engaged. This visual stimulus has to come from human or very human-like female bodily forms. With women, the more non human and more animal-like the partner the more aroused she will become. will be dealing with humanoid representatives in fact and in the art decor. What will their women think of all this? They probably won't even notice; if Satan's Cock of Majesty does its job properly upon them they won't care if their husbands are fucking a green, hot, humanoid elf with nice tits from Regulus 4.

Cirque du Hell

  The New Las Vegas will have many new features that will far surpass in fun the rollercoasters and merry-go-rounds that have sullied the gambling playground for years now. For instance, At the Hell on Earth Hotel and Casino the ubiquitous Cirque performers will
spontaneously appear at select spots and locations to enact horrific and 
 erotic sexual acts as demons, inflicting themselves onto helpless human
females who are persuaded to yield to their demands rather than face the con-
sequences. And of course it all ends happily, the victimized women experience
 sexual bliss beyond their dreams and as the demons depart the newly-sexually-awakened
 women cry at what they have lost, for the cocks of Satan's minions are

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Paris Hilton Hotel and Casino

   The Hilton chain really needs to admit to itself that Paris is the only member of the family that has a shit's worth of brains and knows how to work the public. I think Hilton has already closed it's languishing hotel on the strip because it's basically clueless. Paris on the other hand flaunts her heiressness, even wrote a book about how an heiress should act - which would be to act in a basically superior mode all the time and flaunt your fortunes and circumstances, and who singlehandedly reversed the rules on secretly filmed sexual behavior by openly filming her sexual behavior, releasing it to the world and then turning this formerly-considered bad behavior into cool behavior. Even Satan behaves himself for the opportunity to get her to suck his dick, as is depicted in this illustration from the proposed Satanic Room of the Paris Hilton Hotel and Casino. Paris, coy and unfazed by the whalloping cock of His Majesty, pretends to be indecisive about tackling Satan's massive Penis of Limitless Semen. But I think we all know that the results of her decision will soon be available on DVD from Amazon.

The New Luxor Greeter Uniform

   This will be the new uniform of the wandering greeters and customer-assistant girls and the women at the check-in counter. The New Las Vegas is creating for itself an actual future with these new dress policies and admission policies, as opposed to the rest of the planet which is preparing for a Muslim takeover and a return to the 7th Century in food, drink, jobs, and architecture. Which was bread, urine, goat farming and mud huts. It goes without saying fat girls and ugly girls and girls and women with stomach-turning breasts will not be employable in these positions. They can clean the toilets. The uniforms for toilet cleaning and picking up used rubbers will be scrubs. This is not out of meanness this is to make them as undesireable as possible to the guests, who, in the New Las Vegas, will be constantly turned on sexually.

There, There, It's Only Rape

   At the New Luxor, you, as a guest, get to see, at no additional cost, something much better than a crappy magic show off in the distance or French circus performers in skin-tight clothing performing contortions way afar off. No, you get to see American circus performers in no clothing at all performing sexual contortions right in front of your nose. Ancient Egypt is in full cock-dangling swing in every corner and in every empty space of the New Luxor. As you stroll from shop to shop or from restaurant to restaurant staged slices of sexual life are demonstrated for you to gaze at and ponder over. No one under 18 is even allowed in the city much less the hotels so no need to worry about little 8 year old Brenda getting an eyefull of Ankhnahten's cock-jizz flying all over the face of Nefertiti, cause little Brenda will be still back in Minneapolis with grandma! Where she fucking belongs! And not in the New Las Vegas!
   Interestingly, the Luxor will be one of the few hotels not bulldozed even though it was built during the Kiddies Welcome phase of Las Vegas -  which basically fucked up the entire city and a lot of the world -  for the simple reason that its essence and nature evokes pagan ritualistic sex and magikal spells and potions and, well, if you read Exodus, Egypt was a pretty wild and wanton place. Not to mention the architecture was astoundingly cool and aesthetically gorgeous. The Excalibur, on the other hand, and New Fucking York New Fucking York and Paris will all be demolished simultaneously and not soon enough. The Venetian and the Polazzio are gonna haffta come up with some suitable and probably ingenious sexual motifs appropriate to fucking Venice and Renaissance Italy where fucking was forbidden in order to save their zoning statuses as erect and undemolitioned properties. And frankly I don't see that happening.

The New Luxor

   Fittingly, this blog opens with a description of the New Luxor. Unlike the Present Luxor in Las Vegas, the New Luxor will have an Egyptian motif. The Egyptian motif at the Present Luxor is dwindling away to nothing faster than the Christian population of the real Egypt since Obama took control of their Country. In the present Luxor Hotel you look down from the rooms of the pyramid and you see a filthy ghastly dirty, dead, dust-festooned construction of what is allegedly the 4000BC version of a rabbit warren "apartment complex" that looks like something out of Shitworld Assyria. It's not even illuminated other than by the hallway lighting circumnavigating all the hallways around the interior perimeter. So far nothing has ever happened with or to or in this empty desolate movie set that has been collecting dust and debris for 30 years. It exists on the roof of the casino and is a part of the upper level of the, basically 3rd floor, even though its the roof of the casino. There's a very crappy food court and some very crappy shops and the Great Black Plastic Cube that disguises the inner theater where the sole topless show occurs. Mixed in with all this is the Assyrian Shit Set that rises upward another five stories or so that is visible from the entire interior perimeter of the Pyramid which houses the rooms. It's like looking out over Tijuana after a dust storm. It's a filthy ugly half-assed excuse at "ancient egyptian life" -  but after the plague, apparently, when everyone died and turned to vapor and debris. 
   The New Luxor, on the other hand, will have paid employees who will be, as are Renaissance Faire actors, living out their "lives" apart from the customers. Unlike the Renaissance Faire actors however the New Luxor actors will not interact with the customers. And the customers will not be allowed to interact with the actors. If they do they will be killed by security. The customers can watch the actors however, and take pictures. The actors will mostly be naked except for luxurious-looking costume jewelry and body appurtances appropriate to the ancient culture. They will also be engaging in sexual acts, some voluntary, some "forced." Homosexual activity among or between makes will occur but infrequently and not in the main areas of observational traffic. Homosexual activity between women will occur all over the place. And Heterosexual activity will be rampant. Heterosexual activity is, you might remember, what creates new customers. So there is a simple logic to the focus of the New Luxor being in the direction of heterosexual activity. And if you interpret this as "what it all boils down to the way I see it is that the New Las Vegas is anti gay" you can just go fuck yourself who the fuck asked for your opinion, faggot lover, pull your weak and pathetic guilt-tactics on someone who gives a fuck what you think, asshole, I have a blog to launch and the first order of business is kicking your dumb ass off it. Prick.
   The above image was taken from a digital porn advertisement. Digital porn seems to be the most active and innovative and entertaining art form currently in existence. Porn is always where human interest is the highest and from which that interest never flaggs, and digital porn, expecially "monster and alien rape porn," is creating the most beautiful images and artistic explosions of creativity this side of Star Wars. Benign, friendly alien and monster porn does not seem to be engaging the creative efforts of the artists involved, the emphasis seems to be on forcible rape, but that could be more a reflection of my search-interests than what is really available. The important thing is I git rid of the uppitty concerned-about-fags asshole. The coast is now clear for your New Las Vegas blog adventure.

What This Blog Is


This blog is the kickoff action of my one-man determination to recreate Las Vegas in my own image. Which would be one of adult-oriented debauchery and vice. On steroids. Now, don't get me wrong, not everything about the present-day Las Vegas is Lost. Namely the gambling, that's fine, and the architecture of luxuriousness in the hotels, excluding the Excalibur and the Paris and the New York and a few others, of course, that's fine. But this kiddieland nonsense that has corrupted the place perhaps beyond repair is something that needs to be attacked, attacked hard, and hopefully eradicated. The attack will come here from this blog and the eradication will hopefully come about as a result of other people who are in a position to eradicate things having read this blog or at least having been contaminated by its virus.
   You have to wonder what happened at the table at the meeting where it was decided that ruining the most visited, most wonderful, most capitalistic, most customer-oriented city on earth by recreating it in the image of the cities of the earth that people leave in order to come to Las Vegas……you have to wonder what was in the water pitchers in that room. You have to wonder at the douchebaggery running rampant in the hallways and offices of the executive boardrooms where this decision was okayed without a riot ensuing. And then after deciding to turn Las Vegas into fucking Elizabethan England, Paris France, Venice Italy, Rome Italy, and a pirate-themed building where no actual pirate motifs exist other than outside on the street, and which are, even those, being dismantled, the people in the room with the contaminated water supply decide to make it "family friendly." "Let's bring children into what is allegedly Sin City and make it Legoland!!"
   I am making it my personal mission to undo all of this and be the source-point of the New Las Vegas, created in my image, since everyone else's image for the place is a big fucking pile of shit.
   And that's what this blog is about. Thank you. Oh, and fuck you!