Thursday, May 30, 2013

The New Luxor

   Fittingly, this blog opens with a description of the New Luxor. Unlike the Present Luxor in Las Vegas, the New Luxor will have an Egyptian motif. The Egyptian motif at the Present Luxor is dwindling away to nothing faster than the Christian population of the real Egypt since Obama took control of their Country. In the present Luxor Hotel you look down from the rooms of the pyramid and you see a filthy ghastly dirty, dead, dust-festooned construction of what is allegedly the 4000BC version of a rabbit warren "apartment complex" that looks like something out of Shitworld Assyria. It's not even illuminated other than by the hallway lighting circumnavigating all the hallways around the interior perimeter. So far nothing has ever happened with or to or in this empty desolate movie set that has been collecting dust and debris for 30 years. It exists on the roof of the casino and is a part of the upper level of the, basically 3rd floor, even though its the roof of the casino. There's a very crappy food court and some very crappy shops and the Great Black Plastic Cube that disguises the inner theater where the sole topless show occurs. Mixed in with all this is the Assyrian Shit Set that rises upward another five stories or so that is visible from the entire interior perimeter of the Pyramid which houses the rooms. It's like looking out over Tijuana after a dust storm. It's a filthy ugly half-assed excuse at "ancient egyptian life" -  but after the plague, apparently, when everyone died and turned to vapor and debris. 
   The New Luxor, on the other hand, will have paid employees who will be, as are Renaissance Faire actors, living out their "lives" apart from the customers. Unlike the Renaissance Faire actors however the New Luxor actors will not interact with the customers. And the customers will not be allowed to interact with the actors. If they do they will be killed by security. The customers can watch the actors however, and take pictures. The actors will mostly be naked except for luxurious-looking costume jewelry and body appurtances appropriate to the ancient culture. They will also be engaging in sexual acts, some voluntary, some "forced." Homosexual activity among or between makes will occur but infrequently and not in the main areas of observational traffic. Homosexual activity between women will occur all over the place. And Heterosexual activity will be rampant. Heterosexual activity is, you might remember, what creates new customers. So there is a simple logic to the focus of the New Luxor being in the direction of heterosexual activity. And if you interpret this as "what it all boils down to the way I see it is that the New Las Vegas is anti gay" you can just go fuck yourself who the fuck asked for your opinion, faggot lover, pull your weak and pathetic guilt-tactics on someone who gives a fuck what you think, asshole, I have a blog to launch and the first order of business is kicking your dumb ass off it. Prick.
   The above image was taken from a digital porn advertisement. Digital porn seems to be the most active and innovative and entertaining art form currently in existence. Porn is always where human interest is the highest and from which that interest never flaggs, and digital porn, expecially "monster and alien rape porn," is creating the most beautiful images and artistic explosions of creativity this side of Star Wars. Benign, friendly alien and monster porn does not seem to be engaging the creative efforts of the artists involved, the emphasis seems to be on forcible rape, but that could be more a reflection of my search-interests than what is really available. The important thing is I git rid of the uppitty concerned-about-fags asshole. The coast is now clear for your New Las Vegas blog adventure.

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