Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Paris Hilton Hotel and Casino

   The Hilton chain really needs to admit to itself that Paris is the only member of the family that has a shit's worth of brains and knows how to work the public. I think Hilton has already closed it's languishing hotel on the strip because it's basically clueless. Paris on the other hand flaunts her heiressness, even wrote a book about how an heiress should act - which would be to act in a basically superior mode all the time and flaunt your fortunes and circumstances, and who singlehandedly reversed the rules on secretly filmed sexual behavior by openly filming her sexual behavior, releasing it to the world and then turning this formerly-considered bad behavior into cool behavior. Even Satan behaves himself for the opportunity to get her to suck his dick, as is depicted in this illustration from the proposed Satanic Room of the Paris Hilton Hotel and Casino. Paris, coy and unfazed by the whalloping cock of His Majesty, pretends to be indecisive about tackling Satan's massive Penis of Limitless Semen. But I think we all know that the results of her decision will soon be available on DVD from Amazon.

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