Thursday, May 30, 2013

The New Luxor Greeter Uniform

   This will be the new uniform of the wandering greeters and customer-assistant girls and the women at the check-in counter. The New Las Vegas is creating for itself an actual future with these new dress policies and admission policies, as opposed to the rest of the planet which is preparing for a Muslim takeover and a return to the 7th Century in food, drink, jobs, and architecture. Which was bread, urine, goat farming and mud huts. It goes without saying fat girls and ugly girls and girls and women with stomach-turning breasts will not be employable in these positions. They can clean the toilets. The uniforms for toilet cleaning and picking up used rubbers will be scrubs. This is not out of meanness this is to make them as undesireable as possible to the guests, who, in the New Las Vegas, will be constantly turned on sexually.

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