Saturday, July 5, 2014

Gratuitous Vaginal Penetration Murals

   Elves, God bless 'em, are pretty much the go-to guys when you need to abuse and take advantage of someone. They have virtually no defenses, and if Tinker Bell is any example, they're all cuter than pixies. Well, what the fuck, of course they are, they are pixies. Where the fuck is my head. For all the abuse you never see one of them in anything even close to resembling a bad mood. They are either astoundingly resilient emotionally or else they are so fucking hearty that what we see as abuse they see merely as a weekend of skiing in Vale, all expenses paid. So what is there to be troubled about by seeing a smooth naked elf being acrobatically penetrated by what can only be something five times her size and weight. The cock is going in and I don't see any blood, and besides, it's just a mural. True, it's not the usual hallway  or corridor or dining room mural of Aztecs and peons and union laborers on the railroad working together dutifully for a better tomorrow and raising shovels and garden hoes high in salute to a New Deal where everyone will be equally busy with 15th century back breaking farm labor in a global spirit of agrarian reform. No, it will be elves getting huge cocks thrust up their pussies, their naked bodies bent strainingly in sexual ecstasy. Same difference though. 'Cause they're just murals and they're by definition not anything important.

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