Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Cauldron of Cock

   The cauldron of cock is a meandering sidewalk presentation that can often also be found also in various hallways and arcades leading to one place or another and features a buxom hot witch and her buxom young apprentice creating a potion that results in a large cock slowly emanating from the froth. The apprentice is then suppose to - all confused - follow the witch's commands in mollifying the apparition in order to make it return into the bubbling murk. I don't suppose I have to tell you how this mollifying operates. That's right, she has to appease the thing. The show has no other purpose than to be a dirty little presentation. Period. Gifts of currency after the apprentice completes her task are never refused or scorned, no matter how small; it's not as though either one of them worked their asses off to give this show. However hot naked women eroticizing pretend cocks in cauldrons for your eyes and memories is worth some cash if you stood there and watched and if you're not a fucking prick. It's not complicated. Hey, it's better than some little fucking Peruvian illegal slapping a business card with photoshopped stars over the tits and pussies of the chick on the card and a fucking phone number you're supposed to call so some nightmare from the public dumps in the Philippines or some beat-up Muslim grandmother from Iraq can show up at your crappy motel room and shoot you in the belly and take all your stuff. Yeah, fukkin A I'm right, sparky.

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