Saturday, July 5, 2014

The New Las Vegas Security

   This is one of the security personnel in the casinos and restaurants and performance venues - which is virtually every square inch of the New Las Vegas. The headgear is fetching, no? It is designed to be both attractive decoration and also a reminder that she can kill you and send you to St. Peter for final analysis before you even know you are in eternity. But that is not her primary function. Her primary function is to be always close enough to you so that you can see her tits…and even touch them if you like! Yes, that's right, she is not at all prudish. She will even spray rubbing alcohol on your hands before you do. The charge for this service?….showing her your dick and jacking off for - but not on - her. Hey, I told you the New Las Vegas really kicked ass. But you actually have to cum if you agree to this bargain. And within a reasonable amount of time too. Five minutes, tops. And if you don't? Well a deal's a deal and you broke your end. There's  a hundred dollar fine. You say you don't want to pay? Oh, I did hear you wrong? Yes that's what I thought.

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