Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Las Vegas Casino Security

   The guards patrolling the casinos and environs of the hotels and shopping areas will not be fat Mexican 3rd generation illegal high school dropout 19 year old oafs rousting more normal customers than troublemakers because it's safer and easier. No. There will be no people like that. In fact there will be no male guards at all. There will be scantily clad hot babes with swords and or spears who will sever your limbs or impale you like barbecue if you cause any fucking trouble. They will also completely disrobe before they attack, causing you precious seconds of preparedness should you have been so foolish as to decide resistance was not futile. Seeing their pussy flash into view will give the guards all the advantages and give you none. Why not just behave? They'll be happy to show you their pussy without killing you if you just ask nice and hand them a 20.

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