Friday, November 15, 2013

Poolside At The Hell Hotel

   Poolside activities at the Hell Hotel, as depicted in the bottom picture, are different from what constitutes normal poolside activity on a good day in the traditional Las Vegas Strip environment as depicted in the top picture. An array of hotties poolside at the Hell very often quickly turns into a cannibalistic bloodbath. Demons would rather eat organs than eat pussy. This traditional portrayal that you hear about of succubi and incubi wanting to fornicate is pretty much soft-pedaling what succubi and incubi are actually interested in doing to you: and that would be devouring you raw if possible and pulling you apart limb from limb if eating you like candy is out of the question. Of course you are supposed to think these manifestations poolside at the Hell Hotel are all prearranged skits and plays for your entertainment. And who is to say they are not.

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