Friday, November 15, 2013

Your Helpful Consierges At The Hell Hotel

   Your questions during your stay at the Hell Hotel can be directed to the two excellent employees of the Hell Hotel who work at the consierge station, Noface and Zargnarog. But really, is what you need to know so fucking important that you need to approach either one of these two to get your answer? Noface is especially hard to understand even over and above his natural reluctance to communicate by amy means other than a pickax into the back. Sprays of what one would assume is spittal fly from his...from the area immediately above his tie...and can be quite distracting to the listener trying to nail down the details of when tickets for the next "O" performance go on sale and where. Or whatever it is the Cirque du Soleil will be doing in the New Las Vegas over and above their in-your-face sex acts in the lobbies and restaurants of the town.
   Zargnarog is more talkative but even then it's not long sentences. "I want you dead" is his most common response when asked a question by a paying guest.
   You might be asking by now "Why would anyone at all go to the Hell Hotel under any circumstances other than duress?"
   You would have to ask the customers of the place. I dont have that answer. Noface and Zagnargog might have the answer, you could ask them. Bring a towel if you ask Noface.

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