Friday, November 15, 2013

The Hell Hotel

   The Hell Hotel and Casino is a step removed even from the most unique of the new hotels and casino themes which will abound in the New Las Vegas. It is almost a good idea not to even go in there sober. Being falling down drunk will be a better way to go. You will not be arrested or harmed by the staff, they will feel some relief that here at least is one guest who will not be staring into space wondering where his sanity went.
  The walkway to the check-in counter accommodates only one party at a time. The staff and management feel that this is the best way to test your mettle for the rest of the stay. The narrow nightmare version of the Yellow Brick Road that leads to the desk is bordered on both sides by a variously changing collection of ponds that appear to be blood-filled wading pools. The color of the water varies from clot-black to diluted-cranberry red, as though drainage from some slaughter occurring in another part of the building is being washed past and then leaving. The varying blood flow is eternal.
   Once the arrangements are made at the desk the guest and his party are taken through the blinding white light that is like unto a curtain on the other side of which is the awe and mystery that is Hell.

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