Thursday, June 6, 2013

Stage Shows

   This will be the New Las Vegas stage show as performed by the members of the New Cirque du Gonadus, or Circus of the Balls. It will be appearing nightly and daily on every stage and in many of the hotel hallways and arcadeways connecting venues. You don't have to buy tickets and there is no seating: you can walk right up to the performance as long as you don't physically interfere. If you do you will be rendered unconscious by human monitors and taken to the desert and left there to fend for yourself until you either miraculously rescue yourself or until you die.
   The performers will never sing, they will be too vocally occupied with either groaning or moaning or grunting. Choreography will be exclusively restricted to adroitly performed sexual acts, both natural and non, and music will be appropriate to the mood the artists wish to create via their performances.
   Reservations are not needed. Just walk up and watch. Photography is encouraged so that you can show all your friends back home what a wonderful place to be the New Las Vegas is.

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