Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Amazon Hotel cont. 3 - Die, male. Die

   Most men would consider a fuck from a beautiful Amazon warrior in exchange for having his throat slit 60 seconds after he orgasms to be a fair trade. And this bargaining folly is portrayed again and again throughout the decor and passageways of the Amazon Hotel and Casino. This is where women rule the roost, and anything not even resembling a roost, and anything that may not even know what a roost actually is. Sex and Death become not only a manifestation of a familiar theme in philosophy and literature they virtually become one word here. Be glad the blood you see spilled in here is not your own, insect male, because that tableau can easily be accommodated and made to happen. And quickly. So behave yourself, vermin. And do what you are told to do. And you will depart your stay under your own power rather than on a low-level rolling flatbed wagon destined for a temporary stop at the trash bin for the flatbed and a permanent stop there for you.

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