Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wheel of Dead Woman

   One of the truly revolutionary aspects of the New Las Vegas will be new and exciting games of chance. One of the many fascinating ones is the Dead Woman Wheel. There really isn't a wheel, it is just called that to give the whole thing a roullette-like flavor to the ear. The New Las Vegas will be warrened with off-side corridors and enclosed pathways that you can enter and travel for paying a nominal gambling wager. The door opens and if you are lucky along your solitary path you will encounter a scantily clad "dead" female. She will not really be dead of course because then she would be completely unsuitable for sex. For most people. This "newly and freshly dead" person will of course have to be violated in a manner most in keeping with your own perverted and twisted imaginings. My own favorite, if you are interested, is to drag my erect cock back and forth across the unmoving allegedly dead but actually quite warm and cushioney lips of the deceased and of course to manually pull aside the small piece of whatever it is that is covering the twat of said victim and stare at it. There is a strict time limit of fifteen minutes after which the "victim" slowly "comes to" and you are faced with the embarrassing likelihood of her commenting at the tiny size of your dick which she probably peeked at. On the plus side, if you start licking her pussy and she likes it, she wont wait for the fifteen minutes to wake up. She will wake up right away and take you off somewhere and screw the game. This is how these woman are in this arena, my friend, get used to it.

Flash Street Performers

   As you stroll the sidewalks of the New Las Vegas you won't be pestered by herds of three foot tall peruvian males snapping erotic business cards of pics of women with stars over their nipples on one side and phone numbers on the other advising you to call those numbers to have illegal prostitues come to your room because there won't be any illegal prostitutes in the New Las Vegas, all the prostitutes will be legal. However you will be subjected to sudden dramatizations of various violations of other peoples' bodies, in this case cheerleader-clad high school pretenders engaging in a group violation of each others' vaginas, some even by their own hand! The human pussy, of course, is the center of the universe, as any normal man will attest and women are aware of this also. These scenarios presented for your view as you walk your way from here to there certainly, I think you will agree, are a lot more entertaining than watching jugglers at Venice Beach or robot dancers on Santa Monica Pier. Plus, unlike the last two groups mentioned, with these you can take out your dick and masturbate your ejaculant onto them. For a fee. They will pass the hat to you, and most-determinedly, if you jizz on them. And being a piker about it is not something the local enforcers approve of either. Behave. And be fair. No one really wants your jizz on them, no matter how much you might think they do.

The Hall of Boners

      The Hall of Boners is a ubiquitous venue that is more or less randomly placed throughout the New Las Vegas for when that moment hits when a woman just needs to be systematically but humanely ravaged by a line of naked male brutes who watch their calories, exercise regularly, and remove all their body hairs. The restraints shown not only elevate the twattal entrance to a level comfortable for all participants, they also provide that essential calming of conscience should the ravaged gal at some point wonder "Is this right?" Stop beating yourself up with that question, Ma'am, you had no choice, you could not prevent it, your wrists were manacled. You were a victim. Stop blaming yourself. And clean your pussy, it's full of jizz.

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Daughters of Sappho Hotel and Casino

   The Daughters of Sappho Hotel and Casino will be nothing like the Amazon or the dominatrix venues in the New Las Vegas, where violence and humiliation accompany your sojourn within a naked lady environment, no, here there is only gentleness and warmth. Above are two of the dual housekeeping maids pausing in their mundane chores of yanking your cum-stained bedsheets away and sanitizing your toilet. And they will likely not have to go to the bother of leaving an envelope on the table begging for a tip, you will likely not be able to pay them enough spontaneously if they happen to be expressing their eternal love for each other in your presence, which they of course will prefer to do.

The Disney-Lucas Zone cont.

   Since the New Las Vegas will not be admitting people under legal age, and since adults won't be having any children in tow, Disney and Lucas Corp will not be too concerned about maintaining their image as toy makers unless they decide to enter the dildo market. The only teens in sight will be make believe ones, or at least legal ones, and if they decide to pretend to be younger, well, that does manage to keep the "youthful forever" theme in tact that Disney tries so hard to convey and impart. And what is it young girls hitting puberty do?….they play with each others vaginas. Above is one of the nightly performances of the puberty version of Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom. It's called Lick, Rub, Slide and Scissors. It's a total fucking hit.

The Disney-Lucas Combine Cont.

   The good thing about Twileks is they don't wear a lot of clothes. Siths are generally confident and so clothing is optional when you are 100% sure you are never going to get raped or taken advantage of. While not all Twileks are Siths those two draping appendages hanging from the tops of their skulls are filled with all manner of, while not Force-sensitive atoms, molecules complex and abundant enough to be the next best thing. While they may not be able to make things move without touching them, reading your thoughts to them is like reading candy labels to you. One thing all Twileks do share however is an enthusiasm for coitus. And they don't much care who supplies the other half of the tag team. So if you see somthing lounging about in the manner depicted above, when you ask it if it wants to fuck you might want to already have your dick out. Save a little time.

The Disney-Lucas Hotel and Casino and Spaceport

   It might be remembered that the Walt Disney Company recently bought the George Lucas company, at least that part of it that is Star Wars Enterprises. Disney also once bought Werner Von Braun, I don't know if anyone remembers that. The US Department of Defense thought they were the ones that bought him but they were only renting him as it turned out. It was Disney that owned him. Not that Werner cared, he much preferred Disney. He had worked with Hitler, remember, and as such - Hitler being the most brilliant bureaucrat in human history - for Von Braun to toy with the American State Department was like an SS toying with a dead jew in an oven with a poker; lots of fun and very easy to do.
   Unlike some of the other hotels the Disney-Lucas hotel will not be going out of its way to scare the living crap out of you or be doing much to cause you to question your sanity and your previous ideas concerning the nature of reality. It's not going to be Prude City, of course, that sort of thing would be completely forbidden in the New Las Vegas, however the accoutrements of the place are going to have a down to earth air about them even though a lot of the attention will be placed on things beyond the earth. Ironic, no? Yes, it is. But a little irony never hurt anybody.
   Pictured is one of the many helpful staffers who, since she has a lot of her body covered may or may not want you touching it. Staffers in the Disney-Lucas quadrant of the New Las Vegas can be borderline testy, and the ones with the cowls, and in this case a somewhat stylized cowl, may or may not know how to break all of your bones simultaneously which you may not even realize has happened until you collapse. And then of course die. Usually from the pain. Which is beyond even my ability to describe.

The Monorail in Hell

   The Hell Hotel monorail travels beneath the surface, not above it. The view given here is of the escalator that takes you to the subterranean caverns beneath the Hell. An all-axis 360 degree view of where you are is available but no one who was not involved in the building of the monorail or the photographing of the all-axis 360 degree view of its environs is allowed to see it. The reason for this is "a secret." That is the official response from any Hell employee when asked. "It's a secret." What isn't a secret is that you will be encouraged to ride the escalator down to the monorail level yourself and see first hand whatever might be on either side of the automated staircase. The buzz is that the monorail actually takes you to hell. The real one. The one where eternity awaits you and greets with a smile for your eyes and fish hooks for your flesh. That's the buzz. Everyone's first reaction is to not believe it. First reactions are often not final ones; as time goes by during your stay at the Hell the pestering curiosity regarding the subterranean monorail become increasingly irksome and sooner or later one begins contemplating very deliberately the idea of actually descending the metal staircase. Or being descended by it, being more accurately the way to put it. There are no actual reports from people who have gone down there what they saw there. And it seems likely that people have gone down there because humans are curious to explore things and places declared off limits to them. But there are no reports. Maybe in reality no one actually went down there. That would be one explanation.

The Zombie Hotel and Casino

   Zombies, God bless 'em, are as fixed into the culture of this planet lately as are Mexicans packed like sardines in American emergency rooms. The Zombie Hotel and Casino, while existing, is not going to be what you would call a hotbed of activity, one reason being zombies move very slowly. And since all the staffers will be arrayed as one of these, they will likely move as one of these. One of the virtues of the Zombie Hotel is that you learn how to handle your own shit, such as checking-in, checking-out, cleaning your room, preparing your own food in the restaurants, bring it to your own table, and tipping yourself. By the time you leave the Zombie, even if you only stay there one day, which is the norm, for some reason, by the time you leave you will be a whiz at hotel management since you will be doing a lot of it.

The Bathrooms of Hell

   The bathrooms of the Hell Hotel and Casino are appropriate to the parent enclosure. The bathrooms at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo are famous for having a unique architecture however they pale in comparison and also in spectral horror to the bathrooms at the Hell. In fact the bathrooms at the Madonna Inn have no horrific aspects at all, if you want to know the truth. It would not have occurred to anyone involved in creating them to make them horrible.
   This was not the case with the Hell bathroom designers.
   The long walkway approaching the place where the "toilets" are is, as you can see, unencumbered by guardrails. So it is possible, if you are the kind of person inclined to do so, to save yourself a long walk and merely piss over the side. You will do this under the likely assumption that the gargoyles lining the approach to the "toilets" are sculptures. You will also do this under the assumption that even if they were not sculptures they certainly would not live in the foul and murky liquids far below. You will in fact hold on to these assumptions all the way to the point where you discover that you are now surrounded by staring, angry creatures who are very annoyed with you for having sent your steaming and foetid urine down onto their home. Whether you will survive your non-trip to the bathroom is something only the gargoyles will determine. And you will not have a role to play in the decision-making process. If it was up to me I would push you over the side if you had been pissing onto my house. But I have an attitude problem. Maybe gargoyles don't.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

H.R. Giger Hotel and Casino Ubiquitous Design Motif

   Pictured is the, basically, logo of the HR Giger Hotel and Casino. It will be featured in all the ads for the place in town and on all the uniforms of the personnel and on the napkins in the bars and restaurants and carpeting and on the bottom of the pool. Get used to seeing it. It's message is clear and unambiguous: blowjob. It doesn't mean that if you stay there that you will get one but if you do get one you probably won't get into trouble for it, at least not from any of the staff or management of the place. If you are one of the many people who are particularly enamored of of the dark, biomechanical outre aspects of the HR Giger oeuvre, biomechanical spectral "females" will be available for "the real thing" just in case a normal human blowjob is not quite your thing. The only problem is getting them to release your cock after you cum. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. If you are a true HR Giger fanatic this aspect should appeal to you. And you all know who you are.

Stubborn Little Brat Services

   "Stubborn little brat" services are available to the guest in the New Las Vegas but they are dispensed randomly and for free via a centralized version of a "drawing" in which the occupied hotel rooms of the city are represented in each drawing. The winning room gets to find, when he returns to it, a naked smoking hot teen ager sitting naked on the floor and refusing to move unless she gets her pussy licked. If for some insane reason the guest does not want to lick the stubborn brat's pussy he has to be prepared for his identity and likeness to be displayed on one or more of the many illuminated animated billboards of the town revealing that person to be a refuser of the stubborn brat's orders. This can have a favorable effect on him if his wife or girlfriend sees it. And that is about the only favorable effect and that one probably isn't even worth much in the long run.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Room Service

This is room service in the New Las Vegas: a prostitute. If you want she can bring food. The present Las Vegas has a law against prostitution. The "thinking" is it takes attention away from the gambling tables. This is not actual thinking however under any definition of the word. Actual thinking would be if you were going to have any kind of prostitution law it would be that the prostitute is required to spend some of her time with you at the gambling tables. And really, is a million dollar skim from prostitutes somehow less money than a million dollar skim from the slot machines? Let me walk you through this my Mafioso Thinking-Dudes: no. Getting back to Yolanda, here, she has had a tough day standing by your side at the crap table and now her foot hurts. Could you maybe massage it, Senyore? Por favor? And also por some cash my fren'? I can hear you saying yes from here.

When Things Go Wrong - The Complaint Dept.

   In the course of any customer-provider business arrangement or barter or understanding involving goods and services something is bound to go not-as-assumed sooner or later. The New Las Vegas is dedicated and devoted to Good Customer Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. If you have a complaint regarding anything in the New Las Vegas you are shunted free of charge to a central complaint location. This service is provided free and is by Dedicated Train that sears into the desert east of the city. There you disembark into a futuristic array of buildings and fountains and delights to the eye. You are escorted into a private setting not unlike a dinner table at a plush restaurant or a meeting room suitable for high-level transactions among moguls of industry. You decide! A dedicated judge, a person born to the job of ascertaining injustices and quite comfortable and adept in the world of rights and wrongs will listen to your tale. This person will then adjudicate a settlement. More often than not the settlement will be someone similar to the image above. "We are terribly sorry that this happened during your stay in the New Las Vegas. Of course we do not know what sort of arrangement you are thinking of that will make this Right: however we are prepared to offer a one-time solution: Cynthia over there, who you see posing nonchalantly there in the red, carpeted booth. She will be happy to spend up to 8 hours with you doing all she can to make the remainder of your stay here happy. If you decide this will simply not do then you of course must tell us now, this minute, and we will close this deal and begin on some substitute arrangement in an effort to please you. You have 60 seconds to say yes or no to our first proposal." Nine times out of ten this initial offer is jumped at. Sometimes even if the complainant is a woman.