Monday, December 30, 2013

The Bathrooms of Hell

   The bathrooms of the Hell Hotel and Casino are appropriate to the parent enclosure. The bathrooms at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo are famous for having a unique architecture however they pale in comparison and also in spectral horror to the bathrooms at the Hell. In fact the bathrooms at the Madonna Inn have no horrific aspects at all, if you want to know the truth. It would not have occurred to anyone involved in creating them to make them horrible.
   This was not the case with the Hell bathroom designers.
   The long walkway approaching the place where the "toilets" are is, as you can see, unencumbered by guardrails. So it is possible, if you are the kind of person inclined to do so, to save yourself a long walk and merely piss over the side. You will do this under the likely assumption that the gargoyles lining the approach to the "toilets" are sculptures. You will also do this under the assumption that even if they were not sculptures they certainly would not live in the foul and murky liquids far below. You will in fact hold on to these assumptions all the way to the point where you discover that you are now surrounded by staring, angry creatures who are very annoyed with you for having sent your steaming and foetid urine down onto their home. Whether you will survive your non-trip to the bathroom is something only the gargoyles will determine. And you will not have a role to play in the decision-making process. If it was up to me I would push you over the side if you had been pissing onto my house. But I have an attitude problem. Maybe gargoyles don't.

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