Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Flash Street Performers

   As you stroll the sidewalks of the New Las Vegas you won't be pestered by herds of three foot tall peruvian males snapping erotic business cards of pics of women with stars over their nipples on one side and phone numbers on the other advising you to call those numbers to have illegal prostitues come to your room because there won't be any illegal prostitutes in the New Las Vegas, all the prostitutes will be legal. However you will be subjected to sudden dramatizations of various violations of other peoples' bodies, in this case cheerleader-clad high school pretenders engaging in a group violation of each others' vaginas, some even by their own hand! The human pussy, of course, is the center of the universe, as any normal man will attest and women are aware of this also. These scenarios presented for your view as you walk your way from here to there certainly, I think you will agree, are a lot more entertaining than watching jugglers at Venice Beach or robot dancers on Santa Monica Pier. Plus, unlike the last two groups mentioned, with these you can take out your dick and masturbate your ejaculant onto them. For a fee. They will pass the hat to you, and most-determinedly, if you jizz on them. And being a piker about it is not something the local enforcers approve of either. Behave. And be fair. No one really wants your jizz on them, no matter how much you might think they do.

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