Monday, December 30, 2013

The Disney-Lucas Combine Cont.

   The good thing about Twileks is they don't wear a lot of clothes. Siths are generally confident and so clothing is optional when you are 100% sure you are never going to get raped or taken advantage of. While not all Twileks are Siths those two draping appendages hanging from the tops of their skulls are filled with all manner of, while not Force-sensitive atoms, molecules complex and abundant enough to be the next best thing. While they may not be able to make things move without touching them, reading your thoughts to them is like reading candy labels to you. One thing all Twileks do share however is an enthusiasm for coitus. And they don't much care who supplies the other half of the tag team. So if you see somthing lounging about in the manner depicted above, when you ask it if it wants to fuck you might want to already have your dick out. Save a little time.

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