Monday, December 30, 2013

The Monorail in Hell

   The Hell Hotel monorail travels beneath the surface, not above it. The view given here is of the escalator that takes you to the subterranean caverns beneath the Hell. An all-axis 360 degree view of where you are is available but no one who was not involved in the building of the monorail or the photographing of the all-axis 360 degree view of its environs is allowed to see it. The reason for this is "a secret." That is the official response from any Hell employee when asked. "It's a secret." What isn't a secret is that you will be encouraged to ride the escalator down to the monorail level yourself and see first hand whatever might be on either side of the automated staircase. The buzz is that the monorail actually takes you to hell. The real one. The one where eternity awaits you and greets with a smile for your eyes and fish hooks for your flesh. That's the buzz. Everyone's first reaction is to not believe it. First reactions are often not final ones; as time goes by during your stay at the Hell the pestering curiosity regarding the subterranean monorail become increasingly irksome and sooner or later one begins contemplating very deliberately the idea of actually descending the metal staircase. Or being descended by it, being more accurately the way to put it. There are no actual reports from people who have gone down there what they saw there. And it seems likely that people have gone down there because humans are curious to explore things and places declared off limits to them. But there are no reports. Maybe in reality no one actually went down there. That would be one explanation.

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