Monday, December 30, 2013

The Disney-Lucas Hotel and Casino and Spaceport

   It might be remembered that the Walt Disney Company recently bought the George Lucas company, at least that part of it that is Star Wars Enterprises. Disney also once bought Werner Von Braun, I don't know if anyone remembers that. The US Department of Defense thought they were the ones that bought him but they were only renting him as it turned out. It was Disney that owned him. Not that Werner cared, he much preferred Disney. He had worked with Hitler, remember, and as such - Hitler being the most brilliant bureaucrat in human history - for Von Braun to toy with the American State Department was like an SS toying with a dead jew in an oven with a poker; lots of fun and very easy to do.
   Unlike some of the other hotels the Disney-Lucas hotel will not be going out of its way to scare the living crap out of you or be doing much to cause you to question your sanity and your previous ideas concerning the nature of reality. It's not going to be Prude City, of course, that sort of thing would be completely forbidden in the New Las Vegas, however the accoutrements of the place are going to have a down to earth air about them even though a lot of the attention will be placed on things beyond the earth. Ironic, no? Yes, it is. But a little irony never hurt anybody.
   Pictured is one of the many helpful staffers who, since she has a lot of her body covered may or may not want you touching it. Staffers in the Disney-Lucas quadrant of the New Las Vegas can be borderline testy, and the ones with the cowls, and in this case a somewhat stylized cowl, may or may not know how to break all of your bones simultaneously which you may not even realize has happened until you collapse. And then of course die. Usually from the pain. Which is beyond even my ability to describe.

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