Saturday, June 29, 2013

Follow me Please?

   This is the sight that guests will be seeing as they are escorted to their rooms. If some asshole at Walmart can escort you to the shelf of shitty shirts way on the other side of the filth they call a store then you can certainly be escorted to your room in the New Las Vegas. Only unlike at Walmart you will not be being led by a waddling mass of downwardly drooping wobbling lard that is all ass, back, thighs, and shoulders. No, you will be being led by a perfectly formed almost naked, net-covered goddess radiating energy to your swooning and God-praising cock. If the sight of these two asscheeks flexing and relaxing in front of you bothers your wife you need to either have a talk with her or have a talk with a divorce lawyer cause you are married to a fucking life-wasting mocker of all that is precious and wondrous and sanctified. You are married to a relative to swine and not to a species akin to humans. Fortunately at the New Las Vegas services are available that will render your idiot wife unconcious and obliviously safe in a cupboard or closet for the duration of your stay, some of which can be spent being
given a handjob by the woman who escorted you to your room, much to the indifference of your unconscious wife presently sleeping in the ancillary room of the spa where all the other unconscious wives are kept in a state of suspended everything while you and your semen-squirter enjoy all the comforts and delights of NLV.

May I Take Your Order Please?

   Get used to this sight. It's the one you will be seeing exclusively when your waitress addresses you. If you can't quite hear her when she talks due to her face being aimed at another table, just ask the guy across the way what she said once you get finished staring at her pussy. Having her have to repeat everything ten times should NOT be a problem if you are a normal heterosexual. If you are an abnormal homosexual, you might want to think about eating in Reno. Or Salt Lake City. Or someplace where naked pussy is not in your face all the time. And relax, don't worry about it, there are plenty of normal people waiting to take your place at the restaurant or bar.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Fingerfuck Room

   In the New Las Vegas every hotel and casino and lounge and bar and saloon will have a Fingerfuck Room. Here girls and women of a nature so bashful they have never had an orgasm will sit on the leg of a gentle and expert Fingerfucker. The Fingerfucker will calmly and deliberately and with all the patience necessary gently caress the cameltoe slit between the legs of m'lady, allowing her if she likes to masturbate his naked cock as he does so. Payment for this service is at the discretion of the owner of the twat. This voluntary policy will encourage the Fingerfuckers to provide for their temporary and ever-changing wards an orgasm worth rewarding with cash.

No More Fucking Medieval Times

   You can kiss the Excalibur Hotel goodbye. If watching heavily clothed men hitting each other with metal pipes and metal chains and tossing handkerchiefs to equally overly-dressed fair maidens is your cup of tea, go to England and have your cup of tea with all the other faggots over there having cups of tea. In the New Las Vegas the dinner-time floorshows of gore and mayhem will feature and involve only scantily clad Amazons fighting other various classes of under-dressed women. They will fight near your table and sometimes fall dead at your feet with their flimsy rags tossed-up in disarray from their tits and asses and twats. It will be a dinnertime meal entertainment you will not soon forget and which your wife will keep reminding you about for the rest of your life. So don't bring her. Bring your daughter.

Getting Grampaw Laid

   The New Las Vegas will be going out of its way to see to it that old people get some action. And not just at the gaming tables. Why does grampaw have to sit all day at an electronic slot machine in his white peggars and gold lame' belt and shitty looking Sam Ax shirt when he could be fucking a 19 year old hot piece of ass. The scene depicted above will be multiplied in all quarters of the strip and city, theatrical-like tableaus wherein an emaciated crone or wizened old man will be having wet steaming sex with a fucking hottie. Porking nubiles will be seen as the norm by the visitors to the New Las Vegas. Human-thinking is easy to manipulate and easy to change if something is repeated often enough and if the impression is given that a new pool of peers exists here than exist in the visitor's normal environment. Peer pressure is everything to pathetic humans and if the peer pressure is that there is something wrong with you if you are 80 years old and you are NOT fucking a teen ager then there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you....if that's the peer pressure then thinking can be altered immediately. Humans fear being out of step with the others in their vicinity. True leadership and individuality is rare on this planet among the species dedicated to needing weak and always-smiling "leadership." The New Las Vegas takes full advantage of this and will specialize in altering and upsetting the parameters of what is normally considered as normal.

The Only Sadnesses In The New Las Vegas

   Premature ejaculation among the denizens of hell and other planets is the only misfortune of a non-gambling one that will ever befall the guests of the New Las Vegas. Who can manage or monitor the gonads of an Imgulfug? Not Me! Who can say when a Reznaroq will cum? Only its own balls can do that. And thus the poor victimized lass who has paid good money to have her libido assuaged sits frustrated. What went wrong? Well, nothing. Spilled seed of the Interplanetaries and the Interdimensional is not a misstep here. It is merely a momentary event. Recharging of all the semen vats of all the denizens of delight in the New Las Vegas happen quickly. Try again! Do not blame your partner that you are so desireable that his cum cannot wait to reach you. Be complimented. You are irrestistable my dear!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Most Common Sign In The New Las Vegas

   What you see above is what you will see a lot in the New Las Vegas. Say goodbye to the do not disturb sign. There is only one reason hotel guests do not want to be disturbed anyway. Because they're fucking. Just hang the "we're fucking" sign and say hello to just a little bit of honesty.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Amazon Hotel cont. - 4

   Amazons not only make life miserable for men they make life miserable for each other too. Hence, many of the entertainment tableaus and "shows" will be of half-dressed and not-dressed Amazon warriors slaughtering each other in mock warfare or else will consist of arenas of "dead" naked and partially naked bodies of the fallen and of the terribly wounded, laying about, slowly squirming in misery and exposing their most erotic of areas for you to stand and view. You will be a part of a history that never took place and you will be a part of it as a bystander and not as a participant, which is great when the history that you are a bystander to is a battlefield full of the dead and wounded, none of them with cocks and balls. Photography of course is encouraged. It might be a field of the dead but it is a most courteous one!

The Amazon Hotel cont. 3 - Die, male. Die

   Most men would consider a fuck from a beautiful Amazon warrior in exchange for having his throat slit 60 seconds after he orgasms to be a fair trade. And this bargaining folly is portrayed again and again throughout the decor and passageways of the Amazon Hotel and Casino. This is where women rule the roost, and anything not even resembling a roost, and anything that may not even know what a roost actually is. Sex and Death become not only a manifestation of a familiar theme in philosophy and literature they virtually become one word here. Be glad the blood you see spilled in here is not your own, insect male, because that tableau can easily be accommodated and made to happen. And quickly. So behave yourself, vermin. And do what you are told to do. And you will depart your stay under your own power rather than on a low-level rolling flatbed wagon destined for a temporary stop at the trash bin for the flatbed and a permanent stop there for you.

The Amazon Hotel cont. 2 - The Hall of Domination

   Pathetic male. Your silly penis with it's one-shot capacity. It is laughable. Our majestic vaginas can bring us in one session more pleasure than your silly-stick can bring you in a year. And yet you proclaim yourselves superior. Fool.
   In the Hall of Domination the ubiquitous Cirque du Soleil becomes the circus of pain. Men are treated the way they deserve to be treated and you get to watch. If you become uneasy at looking at the fate you truly deserve than you are free to move along but I suspect your lady friend will be amused. As she is amused by you and your insufferably insignificant little cock that could not satisfy a hamster much less a woman. You pathetic excuse for everything.

The Amazon Hotel cont. 1

   At the Amazon Hotel and Casino it's not all pain and suffering for the hapless male. Before he succumbs he at least gets an eyeful of tits and nipples to comfort him on his journey into insignificance and secondary status. The watchword here for men is accept whatever happens and do not attempt to change your destiny. If you are to have a destiny at all it will not be a decision that will be yours. If you behave your destiny will in the end be satisfactory. If you do not behave your destiny will not matter because you will have not have one. Worm.

The Amazon Warrior Hotel And Casino

   The New Las Vegas is not an exclusive domain of the conquerors of women. No. As the Amazon Warrior Hotel and Casino quickly makes manifest. The goddess of the realm where women rule greets the foolish male guest from her throne of forest murk and undergrowth dampness. Beasts of all kinds with ferocity as their salient feature hover near her. If she can command even these monsters then it will not be difficult commanding you. Bow down, you pathetic be-penised earthworm. And pray for the death that will not come.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Stage Shows

   This will be the New Las Vegas stage show as performed by the members of the New Cirque du Gonadus, or Circus of the Balls. It will be appearing nightly and daily on every stage and in many of the hotel hallways and arcadeways connecting venues. You don't have to buy tickets and there is no seating: you can walk right up to the performance as long as you don't physically interfere. If you do you will be rendered unconscious by human monitors and taken to the desert and left there to fend for yourself until you either miraculously rescue yourself or until you die.
   The performers will never sing, they will be too vocally occupied with either groaning or moaning or grunting. Choreography will be exclusively restricted to adroitly performed sexual acts, both natural and non, and music will be appropriate to the mood the artists wish to create via their performances.
   Reservations are not needed. Just walk up and watch. Photography is encouraged so that you can show all your friends back home what a wonderful place to be the New Las Vegas is.

Your Table Servers

   "Hi, guys; we're your table servers, Taylor and Brittany. We don't wear much clothing. We hope this will not be an inconvenience to you or anyone in your party. Are you ready to order?....or do you need a minute."
   This will be the normal state of affairs at all the restaurants in the New Las Vegas. Fuck the buffet, let's go where there's waitresses.
   There will be waiters in the gay restaurants. But not in the normal ones. You have a problem with that sir? May I suggest eating in Florida?

The Exterior Of The New Luxor Hotel And Casino

   The guests will be walking under the female-structure's legs to gain entrance to the New Luxor. There will be 20 such female structures along the entranceway. There will be 40 male structures identical to the two depicted here standing before each woman statue. No more rows of lamb's faces on dog's bodies at the New Luxor. If animals are involved at all it will be as Horus and Anubis, the raptor and jackal gods with human male bodies.  These statues will be up to 80 feet high. There will be no cutsey hinting-around at clandestine, naughty behavior in the New Las Vegas. No. The signs will be clear from every direction that you have just entered the land of the gonads and that you are here to fuck, take drugs, and gamble.

Jamming The Jam Dispenser

   Cunnilingus - or jamming the jam dispenser, as I call it -  is fine but cartoony depictions of it are usually much more dramatic and erotic to look at than actual photographs involving actual people. Hence, the New Las Vegas will be extravagant in its plethora of such scenes depicted in dining areas, where, you have to admit, such pictures are most appropriate. For is not pussy "eaten"? Yes, of course it is, at least in the vernacular. Doesn't the above cartoon make your mouth water? Of course it does! And since the waitress will not be serving pussy at this table, would you care for a menu? Maybe actual food will suffice. At least for now.

Thank You, Ma'am.

   Ng'narthlogog contemptuously and satedly abruptly leaves another satisfied and yet still-yearning customer, his artificial cock dripping its artificial semen as his costumed-self departs his deliriously orgasmed customer in one of the many other-worldly venues of sexual delights in the New Las Vegas. Customer satisfaction is job number one here, except at the gaming tables where customer satisfaction is still determined by the laws of probability and the odds always favor the house, and that must never change otherwise there would be no New Las Vegas.

The Necronomicon Hotel And Casino

   If I were to title the above concoction of cocks and balls and other things mixed in I would call it Testiculor. While there will be no shortage of Lovecraftian themes in the New Las Vegas, at least one playground of adult fun will be the Necronomicon Hotel where Lovecraft and HR Giger unite in a wedding long awaited and anticipated. This will not be a relaxing venue for most people, one has to already be in league or at least contact with the outre realms that surround all sentient populations, be they on this planet or on others, or be they not on planets at all but instead those places devoid of atoms and electrons, where only measurement occurs and where the rules bend and warp and lose shape altogether while still yet existing. Those who book into the Necronomicon are never refused when at some point they proclaim at the desk that they just cannot stay for their full reserved time. Money is always refunded with a smile, or at worst a quiet stare of disgust, or perhaps a look of relief that yet another of the Unworthy has learned that some places are not suited for the idiotic and the bland and the vapid, and that the Necronomicon Hotel is one of those places, and please inform your idiot friends that this is not a good place for them either. That is what will happen when you ask for a cancellation of your remaining stay. You will be accommodated; and given a roadmap to Reno or Laughlin or Primm or Stateline at absolutely no charge. Goodbye O Dull One. And take your fat wife and grandmother with you.

The Fingerfuck Lounge

   Sometimes a gal just needs a good fingerfuck rather than a whole body-on-body experience, especially if she is reluctant to kiss on a quickie-date due to the oftimes romantic attachments that can result, especially should she run up against an expert kissing master of love. The Fingerfuck Lounge - which all of the hotels in the New Las Vegas will have - allows your gal to be fingerfucked-only by a trained cast member of the Cirque du Soleil or similar troupe of carnies, and if her fantasy is to be fingerfucked by a nigger-colored Satan....what boyfriend would object? We only care if cocks are involved, and especially if there is no kissing no man would have a problem with his favorite gal having a fingerfuck session with a man in disguise. Is it really a nigger?....or is it just dark spray tan costuming from a can? Who can say? Who gives a shit? It can be Allah himself in all his faggottry magnificence and who will care? Not Brenda! She's paying good money for this experience. Stay out of it, boyfriend.

The High Satanic Majesty of Satan, Ruler of The New Las Vegas

   If you're going to call a town sin city and Satan is not the mascot and chief entertainment officer then you are not in sin city. You are in the old Las Vegas. And the old Las Vegas has no place in the New Las Vegas. Hence, get used to seeing Satan. And one thing Satan loves to do is fuck and get everyone else to fucking also.  Now Christians who do not understand Christianity might balk at seeing Satan so generally allowed the artistic and motiflic run of the place. But look at the plus side: it will keep all the Muslims back in New York and Minnesota where they belong. Sure the depictions of forcible rape by alien beings will attract them but the fact that one of the alien beings is cartoons of Satan will terrify them. Sure, cartoons of Satan terrify a lot of addle-headed Christians too but Christians are good at giving in to temptation so they'll get over it.

HR Giger Hotel And Casino cont. The Strange Room

   Is it gay? We don't know. Is it anti gay? We have no idea. Is it wrong? It sure looks that way. Is it out of place in the New Las Vegas? Not hardly. All we know is that it's the Strange Room of the HR Giger Hotel and Casino. As long as it does not involve actual death or injury to the customers of the New Las Vegas, if it's sexually oriented it's gonna be findable somewhere on the Strip or nearby to it. And if HR Giger is involved the sex might be weird but the sex will be there. One way or another. Maybe it will be in paralysis form where every one just stares in disbelief and don't actually do anything, but that's not an uncommon reaction when in HR's universe of mesmerizing disturbingness.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The H.R. Giger Hotel And Casino

   Things are different here. Sexual depictions are not only plentiful they are off-putting. And yet hypnotically stare-able. They cause you to lose yourself in a quiet fear that still does not make you run away. They nail you into place.
   You have to be able to find relaxation and comfortable escape in black nightmares in order to stay at the HR Giger Hotel. The decor is Contemporary Space Transport Cargo Bay with splashes of Hopeless 31st Century Desolation And Infestation. The walls are muraled with biomechanical shennanigans, some of them sexual some of them merely abominable.

The New Colossi

   Every hotel in the New Las Vegas will of course be themed and in every lobby and entrance way will be gigantic statues of unearthly and earthly denizens engaging in sexual congress with either their own species or with ours. They will loom over the guests in eternal dominational supremacy, reminding all present why they are there. Pompei will look like Legoland compared to the New Las Vegas.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Peter Pan Bar At the Disney Hotel

   The Crocodile that tormented Capt. Hook has most of his desires satisfied in the Peter Pan Bar at the Hotel Disney in the New Las Vegas. Costumed employees formerly with the Cirque du Soleil entertain the patrons up close and for free and with a sexual abandon not dreamed of during their meaningless circus days flying around in the air to no purpose and performing meaningless acrobatic feats of skeletal complexity and bodily strength: why train all your life to do a back bend in ten dimensions while falling to your death when you can train on the job for 8 hours a day and write your own schedule by performing repeated sexual copulation moves upon a fellow employee while in a skinny costume that emphasizes nipple shape and cameltoe? Tinker Bell's piece-of-ass cousins entertain the Crocodile while making their tits and twats available to him and his hard red dick while the patrons watch or else round-up some action on their own. It's a small world after all, and one filled with tits, ass, pussy, cocks and balls!

Pirates Of The Caribbean New Las Vegas Style

   In the Pirates of the Caribbean Room of the Disney Hotel and Casino in the New Las Vegas, guests can, if they like, and have the money, be raped by pirates from another dimension. They carry machetes but they do not use them. They also carry large penises which they will be more than happy to use. Since these are not real aliens they are of course not real penises, merely dildos in the shape and in the location of penises. No husband or boyfriend can blame a girl if she is abducted and raped by omnidimensional pirates, now can they? Especially if they are allowed to watch and take pictures.

The New Snow White

   Behold Snow white, New Las Vegas Style.
   When the Disney Corp. finally succumbs to the pressure to either go-erotic or go out of existence,  it is going to go erotic. Eventually Disney-Lucas will be the only guiding artistic and entertainment lights in the New Las Vegas, and while it will seem like the end of the road for them to some, in reality it will be the beginning of both entities finally claiming their destinies.
   Above are 5 of the new dwarfs, Jizzy, Licky, Fingerfucky, Jackoffy and Kill. Naturally Kill has to be kept on a short leash by the other 6 dwarfs but it is still kind of interesting to know that he is always around and that he has been named Kill for a reason.
   In the New Las Vegas the parading Disney characters will not be Minnie and Mickey unless it is in their new zombie form. No, instead it will be the spate of Disney female heroines who will be manifesting themselves around the arenas of gawking fun, that mermaid bitch and that Jeanie In The Bottle half-breed semi exotic cunt and the Evil Queen will be in her pre-troll mode, with her Amazon physique and her full enlarged-pear mind-melting naked breasts, and I think you know how this is going to go.

Disney And The New Las Vegas

   Say hi to the new Tinker Bell. She grew up. She came to the New Las Vegas. She's spreading her pixie dust onto cocks now and making semen fly.
   Eventually Walt Disney, Lucas Entertainment, and Las Vegas will be the only three human capitalistic enterprises on earth that will be either legal or in existence. Walt Disney has already bought Lucas Arts and the owners and operators of Las Vegas are going to be very slow to let either of these two entities fade into disappearance as a result of governmental decrees and regulations strangling free enterprise. The essence of the original Disney was always teetering on the Dark Side in the old days, he walked a fine line between kiddie fun and horrific fates drenched in blood and anguish. At the moment the Disney empire is preoccupied with fart-level comedy and regurgitated substances splashing onto unhumorous and vocally noisy digital toys and bugs and animated toilet bowl cleaning appliances. This will eventually change with the recent purchase of George Lucas and the fact that soon, thanks to the Muslims, any horrors Disney can come up with to entertain the public will pale in violence to the realities that the Muslims will be coming up with to eradicate the public.
   What all this means is that Disney will finally be fun. For instance, take a gander at the New Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs above. The dwarfs will be arriving shortly. And arriving short. Now that's a Disney-worthy joke.

The Sacred Sack of Satan

   Satan, in the New Las Vegas, is not only the mascot and mayor and guiding light of the town, he is also one of the main attractions. Wherever you go on your explorations of the New Las Vegas the towering majesty of the ruler of Hell will always be nearby to offer to your lady friend, or even to you yourself, for Satan is nothing if not fair, his balls. the Sacred nutsack of the Mighty One of perdition is always available for you to cradle and caress, his cock drips an eternal jizzy overflow and in this case as depicted, the jizz drips from his yap as well, for the mighty balls of Satan are factories; sack factories; sack factories of satisfaction, for him and for you. All are welcome to feel the furry testicles of the Lord of the Damned.
   The homosexuality of Satan, while prominently advertised in authentic Satanic gatherings and meetings and club memberships, as I have noticed, it will be exceedingly downplayed in the New Las Vegas, the emphasis by Senyore Legion will be toward tits and twats and the soft asses of women, not cocks, balls, and the hairy asses of men. Fags do not breed. And with no breeding there is no New Las Vegas for tomorrow. And who needs that. Sure, fags are welcome in New Las Vegas but they will be far from feted or celebrated. Satan's Hairy Ballsack of Warm Scrotal Fluids will be swaying and dangling mostly for the eyes and tongues and palms of the ladies, big and small, fat and old, young and skinny, hot and cold, lesbian and prude. Satan's balls welcome you. Come and feel as he slowly slides his dick across your face. The Mighty Balls of Satan clang loudly, like banging anvils, in hot anticipation of your touch.

Beauties, Beasts, And Interior Design

      The New Las Vegas will be a place where Frankenstein meets Architectural Digest. The emphasis will be on sexual reproductive acts, often between species, which will keep actual reproduction to a minimum, all performed in an environment of radical, new, and often attractively science fictiony design elements and architectural spaces and venues. The New Las Vegas will be like unto an ongoing, eternal, ever-present stage show taking place right next to you and yet pretending to be ignorant of your existence. It will be a voyeur's paradise and if you are not a voyeur when you get to the New Las Vegas you will soon learn what you have been missing all your life.

The Fuckque du Soleil

   The posting below explains the role the present Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas plays and also explains the future role the Cirque du Soleil will play in the New Las Vegas that will not allow anyone under 18 into the city because who the fuck needs them? They dont have jobs, they only have their parents' money and their parents' money would be put to better use by their parents themselves here in the New Las Vegas.
   The Cirque du Soleil in the New Las Vegas will still be gainfully employed except their performance art will be restricted to actually copulating and not just making stupidly meaningless hints at it as is the present repertoir of the ubiquitous circus menagerie of space animals and  nightmare insects.
   Boni fide coitus will not be that much different from what they do now, plus the troop members will not have to risk their lives and endanger themselves with death-defying acrobatics 200 feet off the floor and there will be none of this diving into water nonsense that is the featured aspect of their most famous show in Las Vegas. No: all they will have to do is fuck, and in as many creative ways as they can come up with via their fertile imaginations which seem to have no limits. And no focus. The New Las Vegas will take care of that lack of focus, however, and immediately. They will be focused on fucking. In fact that would be a good title for the first new Cirque show in the New Las Vegas: "Focus On Fucking." Wouldn't you hurry to buy tickets to that? You bet your dangling stinking balls you would, sparky.

The Ubiquitous Cirque du Soleil

   The Cirque do Soleil has pretty much taken-over the entire entertainment franchise of the old Las Vegas. In fact it's the only thing holding the old Las Vegas together and that's not because of its French motifs and fat-lady-clown "comedy." It's because most of the performers are near-nude, wearing only paint or some gaudy elastic that is about as thin as paint, and the women in the troops perform acrobatics that display their mons venises in stark relief and their cameltoe slits of labia delights in crotch thrusting backbends for all to see and jackoff about later in bed.
   The New Las Vegas will not remove any of this, it will merely permit the Cirque du Soleil to achieve its destiny. The Cirque in the New Las Vegas will restrict itself to performing live sexual acts to music in erotic costume and with the fun bits fully visible. With the imaginative overkill that the Cirque is notorious for being focused on what today it only dances around there will be no limit to the cost of the tickets that can be charged and willingly paid, and after every show even people scheduled to retun to their home cities will instead stay another night to do some desperately needed fucking right there in town due to the libidic fires the New Cirque shows will ignite.

But First A Song

   Only in the New Las Vegas can you see a werewolf preparing to fuck a waitress dressed like a stripper cheerleader but before he does he puts a microphone to his saliva-strewn lips and says "...but first I'd like to sing a little song EYE call......" and then after giving the title of whatever he calls the song he slips into a crooning, oily rendition of Feelings: his bloated and turgid cock rigid and in place, waiting for the last chorus before plunging between the waiting legs of the hapless table server. Thank you ladies and gentlemen you've been great!

The B&D Hotel and Casino

   Apparently there are a lot of people who like to act-out scenarios of suffering and torment and capture and sex-against-their-wills in order to accrue for themselves what should not really be all that hard to accrue, and that would be an orgasm or an ejaculation. APPARENTLY a lot of people need more than just a "hey let's fuck, ok we're done" experience; they need equipment and they need costumes and they need resistance and they need a level of pain and suffering and they need near-death experiences and the apparatuses to bring them near to death, and, really, it's borderline nuts.  But, hey, it apparently is a category of fucking that will attract a paying customer base. Hence the Bondage and Discipline Hotel and Casino. If you're into it then you know where you need to be: at the hotel and casino that will  humor you all the way into your sphincter with cooperation and with never a discouraging word. Unless of course you deserve it! You impotent worm!!
   As you can see from an example of the hotel decor above of the moray eel-toothed nightmare ingesting the biomechanical penis, it's not martinis and George Shearing in the Room of Screams and Pleadings lounge. No. It's something else. In every sense of the expression. Enjoy! piece of worthless shit.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Club Jizz

   This is part of the decor from the interior of Club Jizz, where the standards of embarrassment and modesty are pretty damn lax. The theme throughout New Las Vegas of human females having sex with non human males is in full swing here at Club Jizz, and the floors are bleached every night and all the furniture is made from stainless steel so don't fall! There are no soft surfaces at Club Jizz so that the place can be steam cleaned every 2 hours. Clothing is allowed but a few minutes inside Club Jizz makes it pretty clear to anyone actually wearing clothes that is'a kind of a bad idea. At least inside Club Jizz. Hey, ya don't haffta come in here. There's plenty other clubs.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The LSD Hotel And Casino

   Things will be different at the LSD Hotel. For instance, I have no idea what this (above) actually is. Which makes it perfect for the decor and ambiance of the place. Things will be enjoyably out of place and beyond explanation at the LSD Hotel, and sex-depictions will basically be off the established paths of normalcy without being disgusting or deranged. At their maximum potential they will be in new dimensions of erotica. Kinda like the quantum mechanics level of erogeny and climactica. For instance, what is going on in the picture below? Who the fuck knows.  But it sure looks hot. It looks like something Peter Gabriel would have been singing about in 1970: rattling but marginally fascinating. Hey, just roll with it; in 8 to 16 hours it will all be over. Usually.

Dining In The New Las Vegas

   Above is the hostess at the Hellfire, a mexican restaurant specializing in spicy food in the New Las Vegas. She awaits the guests to sign them in. A large imposing and rather majestic sculpture of Satan In Repose looks on in quiet relaxation. As you can see the hostess is naked. This will be pretty de rigeur and the order of the day and the get-used-to-it way things are going to be in the New Las Vegas: naked human females and large-cocked statues of Satan. All in a pleasant party and festive and dining and It's Time To Fuck atmosphere of delight. Eating  at the Hellfire will be like eating inside a level of DOOM without the gunfire or the killing. There may or may not be recordings of distant groanings and other sounds of muted suffering filtering into the ambiance from time to time and the music will be a kind of  mariachi music that never quites gets to the festive level, as though the musicians are drugged with pain-inducers and vanish from the ensemble and then lethargically re-emerge into the sound system. OR there may be just soothing music that is to Satan's liking. Since no one knows what if any kind of music Satan prefers this will have to be investigated.

The Old Las Vegas Sign

   This is the Old Las Vegas Sign that will be replaced by the sign depicted below in the previous posting, The Colossus of Coitus, a fifty foot statue of a zombie fucking a human female probably against her will. Rape will not be condoned in the New Las Vegas but it will be depicted, and always, when committed, committed by non human males upon completely human females. There will never be any depictions of anything resembling how rape goes here on earth. The above sign will be placed in a museum where people can come and reminisce about a Las Vegas long passed from sight and eventually from memory as the New Las Vegas of eternally flowing semen fountains and Satan-inspired indoor streams of flowing red bloodlike waters fill the eyes and ears with sights and sounds of groinal excess, all in a happy, Hell-like atmosphere.

The New Las Vegas Sign

   This will be the New Las Vegas sign. It will be fifty feet tall and at night be bathed in glowering red lights of varying intensities and will be called The Colossus of Coitus. It will replace the old Las Vegas Sign which says "Welcome To Las Vegas" in Liberace-approved gay colors and a 1950's notion of excitement in sign construction. Get used to never seeing it again.

The New Sphinx

   Since breast milk and semen will be depicted in the art of the New Las Vegas as flowing freely and unabated, the nature of the Egyptian Sphinx in the New Luxor will be more like what you see above than the unenticing zombie structure that exists in Egypt today, assuming the Muslims have not blown it up yet. Which they will do eventually because Muslims detest art unless it is the name of Allah depicted in their hellish script that looks like smears of yellow infection slapped across a parchment made of stretched infidel scrotum.
   Since men and women stare at breasts with equal hypnosis but with varying motives, bulging butterbags will not be in short supply in the decor of New Las Vegas. The sphinx depicted here has Lucifer horns but that is not at all out of order in the New Las Vegas where Satan motifs will invade all manner of traditional images.

Satan's Sacred Semen

   The semen of Satan will play a prominent role in the decor of the New Las Vegas.  For a place nicknamed sin city there has so far been no real focus on the author and creator of sin, Satan slash Lucifer, Lord of the Underworld. And that is not only not right, it's ridiculous. There are five major religions on this planet, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Bhuddism and Hinduism. The first three on this list consider  the penis and the vagina and anything that draws attention to the penis and the vagina to be the definitive act of evil possible, although Islam does waffle a bit on this regarding their admiration for child molestation and rape. Hinduism on the other hand, not only does not restrict copulation to the adherents, it has images of people fucking on the insides and outside of their churches. However, they are always adults. Unlike the pestilence known as Islam, Hiduism does not obsess on child rape, or even acknowledge it. As for Bhuddists, nobody knows what, if anything, they do. And no one cares.
   Islam forbids sculptures and statues and paintings and anything else remotely creative or beautiful, be it depicting sex or anything else.
   Like I say, as for the Bhuddists, I don't think they are aware that penises and vaginas even exist, they are off somewhere in some other dimension of fog and weirdness. But at least they don't cause trouble so who cares about the Bhuddists.
   Since three of the religions of global popularity have an Oh Dear attitude toward copulation and orgasm and all things carnal via the groin, it is usually Satan who is considered the instigator of all this sin and mischief. Then why not make Satan the mascot of the town, no?
   This being the case, statues and images of Lucifer will abound throughout the city. Satan takes many forms in human art history and these will all merit equal time on the streets and in the arcades and parkways and malls and tourist areas of the New Las Vegas. If it's big and it's ominous and it has a huge cock and a massive scrotum then it's probably Satan being depicted.  Naturally Satan has many guises and has legions of associates, including werewolves and vampires and Lovecraftian nightmares to be imagined and HR Giger nightmares made visible. All of these are appropriate minions of Satan and all of these will be in charge, artistically, of the city.
   Since Satan's most evil deed in the minds of most American white Christians and Jews involves enticing men to ejaculate, SEMEN will be unavoidable in the New Las Vegas. Not real semen of course, but a yet-to-be-created silvery white flowing liquid that will shoot from penis sculptures everywhere and will flow over rock gardens in all the hallways and rest areas of the extensive shop complexes which will exist in rambling, ongoing underground palaceways of commerce.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

S&M New Las Vegas Style

   In the New Las Vegas the emphasis is on sex and gambling and all those things that make sex and gambling more fun and one of the things many people find that makes sex more fun is torture. However in the New Las Vegas there can be no torture unless it is of an erotic sort devoid of actual physical and psychological harm. The most ingenious example of this will be the staked-and-scissored attraction. Two strangers, completely unknown to each other, are willingly tied spreadlegged and scissored naked to each other, with their groins in actual contact, and all who are watching gamble on the degree of arousal and when it will happen. The erotic level is of course increased and multiplied enormously if one or both of the participants are reluctant to achieve orgasm for one reason or another, be they religious or psychological or emotional or because of sexual loyalty to someone they are not presently at the moment scissoring naked with.

No More Roller Coasters

   There won't be any roller coasters in the New Las Vegas. The only thing anyone will be able to ride will be the interesting cocks of animatronic and costumed human aliens. Behold the pleasant scenario presented above: knobbed and smoothed bulbous protrusions from the swollen purple cock of the insectoid reptilian monstrosity of desire, the applicant to the Only Ride In Town merely straddles the design-major-approved penis and enjoys for herself a thrill ride that actually makes some sense and does not involve a risk to life. For those who need that adrenaline rush of danger, however, AIDS viruses and syphillis germs and gonorrhea bacteria can be liberally swathed to the cock prior to contact with the thrill-seeking owner of the soon-to-be-contaminated vagina.