Sunday, June 2, 2013

Satan's Sacred Semen

   The semen of Satan will play a prominent role in the decor of the New Las Vegas.  For a place nicknamed sin city there has so far been no real focus on the author and creator of sin, Satan slash Lucifer, Lord of the Underworld. And that is not only not right, it's ridiculous. There are five major religions on this planet, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Bhuddism and Hinduism. The first three on this list consider  the penis and the vagina and anything that draws attention to the penis and the vagina to be the definitive act of evil possible, although Islam does waffle a bit on this regarding their admiration for child molestation and rape. Hinduism on the other hand, not only does not restrict copulation to the adherents, it has images of people fucking on the insides and outside of their churches. However, they are always adults. Unlike the pestilence known as Islam, Hiduism does not obsess on child rape, or even acknowledge it. As for Bhuddists, nobody knows what, if anything, they do. And no one cares.
   Islam forbids sculptures and statues and paintings and anything else remotely creative or beautiful, be it depicting sex or anything else.
   Like I say, as for the Bhuddists, I don't think they are aware that penises and vaginas even exist, they are off somewhere in some other dimension of fog and weirdness. But at least they don't cause trouble so who cares about the Bhuddists.
   Since three of the religions of global popularity have an Oh Dear attitude toward copulation and orgasm and all things carnal via the groin, it is usually Satan who is considered the instigator of all this sin and mischief. Then why not make Satan the mascot of the town, no?
   This being the case, statues and images of Lucifer will abound throughout the city. Satan takes many forms in human art history and these will all merit equal time on the streets and in the arcades and parkways and malls and tourist areas of the New Las Vegas. If it's big and it's ominous and it has a huge cock and a massive scrotum then it's probably Satan being depicted.  Naturally Satan has many guises and has legions of associates, including werewolves and vampires and Lovecraftian nightmares to be imagined and HR Giger nightmares made visible. All of these are appropriate minions of Satan and all of these will be in charge, artistically, of the city.
   Since Satan's most evil deed in the minds of most American white Christians and Jews involves enticing men to ejaculate, SEMEN will be unavoidable in the New Las Vegas. Not real semen of course, but a yet-to-be-created silvery white flowing liquid that will shoot from penis sculptures everywhere and will flow over rock gardens in all the hallways and rest areas of the extensive shop complexes which will exist in rambling, ongoing underground palaceways of commerce.

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