Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Exterior Of The New Luxor Hotel And Casino

   The guests will be walking under the female-structure's legs to gain entrance to the New Luxor. There will be 20 such female structures along the entranceway. There will be 40 male structures identical to the two depicted here standing before each woman statue. No more rows of lamb's faces on dog's bodies at the New Luxor. If animals are involved at all it will be as Horus and Anubis, the raptor and jackal gods with human male bodies.  These statues will be up to 80 feet high. There will be no cutsey hinting-around at clandestine, naughty behavior in the New Las Vegas. No. The signs will be clear from every direction that you have just entered the land of the gonads and that you are here to fuck, take drugs, and gamble.

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