Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dining In The New Las Vegas

   Above is the hostess at the Hellfire, a mexican restaurant specializing in spicy food in the New Las Vegas. She awaits the guests to sign them in. A large imposing and rather majestic sculpture of Satan In Repose looks on in quiet relaxation. As you can see the hostess is naked. This will be pretty de rigeur and the order of the day and the get-used-to-it way things are going to be in the New Las Vegas: naked human females and large-cocked statues of Satan. All in a pleasant party and festive and dining and It's Time To Fuck atmosphere of delight. Eating  at the Hellfire will be like eating inside a level of DOOM without the gunfire or the killing. There may or may not be recordings of distant groanings and other sounds of muted suffering filtering into the ambiance from time to time and the music will be a kind of  mariachi music that never quites gets to the festive level, as though the musicians are drugged with pain-inducers and vanish from the ensemble and then lethargically re-emerge into the sound system. OR there may be just soothing music that is to Satan's liking. Since no one knows what if any kind of music Satan prefers this will have to be investigated.

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