Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Disney And The New Las Vegas

   Say hi to the new Tinker Bell. She grew up. She came to the New Las Vegas. She's spreading her pixie dust onto cocks now and making semen fly.
   Eventually Walt Disney, Lucas Entertainment, and Las Vegas will be the only three human capitalistic enterprises on earth that will be either legal or in existence. Walt Disney has already bought Lucas Arts and the owners and operators of Las Vegas are going to be very slow to let either of these two entities fade into disappearance as a result of governmental decrees and regulations strangling free enterprise. The essence of the original Disney was always teetering on the Dark Side in the old days, he walked a fine line between kiddie fun and horrific fates drenched in blood and anguish. At the moment the Disney empire is preoccupied with fart-level comedy and regurgitated substances splashing onto unhumorous and vocally noisy digital toys and bugs and animated toilet bowl cleaning appliances. This will eventually change with the recent purchase of George Lucas and the fact that soon, thanks to the Muslims, any horrors Disney can come up with to entertain the public will pale in violence to the realities that the Muslims will be coming up with to eradicate the public.
   What all this means is that Disney will finally be fun. For instance, take a gander at the New Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs above. The dwarfs will be arriving shortly. And arriving short. Now that's a Disney-worthy joke.

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