Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Only Sadnesses In The New Las Vegas

   Premature ejaculation among the denizens of hell and other planets is the only misfortune of a non-gambling one that will ever befall the guests of the New Las Vegas. Who can manage or monitor the gonads of an Imgulfug? Not Me! Who can say when a Reznaroq will cum? Only its own balls can do that. And thus the poor victimized lass who has paid good money to have her libido assuaged sits frustrated. What went wrong? Well, nothing. Spilled seed of the Interplanetaries and the Interdimensional is not a misstep here. It is merely a momentary event. Recharging of all the semen vats of all the denizens of delight in the New Las Vegas happen quickly. Try again! Do not blame your partner that you are so desireable that his cum cannot wait to reach you. Be complimented. You are irrestistable my dear!!

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