Thursday, June 27, 2013

Getting Grampaw Laid

   The New Las Vegas will be going out of its way to see to it that old people get some action. And not just at the gaming tables. Why does grampaw have to sit all day at an electronic slot machine in his white peggars and gold lame' belt and shitty looking Sam Ax shirt when he could be fucking a 19 year old hot piece of ass. The scene depicted above will be multiplied in all quarters of the strip and city, theatrical-like tableaus wherein an emaciated crone or wizened old man will be having wet steaming sex with a fucking hottie. Porking nubiles will be seen as the norm by the visitors to the New Las Vegas. Human-thinking is easy to manipulate and easy to change if something is repeated often enough and if the impression is given that a new pool of peers exists here than exist in the visitor's normal environment. Peer pressure is everything to pathetic humans and if the peer pressure is that there is something wrong with you if you are 80 years old and you are NOT fucking a teen ager then there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you....if that's the peer pressure then thinking can be altered immediately. Humans fear being out of step with the others in their vicinity. True leadership and individuality is rare on this planet among the species dedicated to needing weak and always-smiling "leadership." The New Las Vegas takes full advantage of this and will specialize in altering and upsetting the parameters of what is normally considered as normal.

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