Thursday, June 6, 2013

HR Giger Hotel And Casino cont. The Strange Room

   Is it gay? We don't know. Is it anti gay? We have no idea. Is it wrong? It sure looks that way. Is it out of place in the New Las Vegas? Not hardly. All we know is that it's the Strange Room of the HR Giger Hotel and Casino. As long as it does not involve actual death or injury to the customers of the New Las Vegas, if it's sexually oriented it's gonna be findable somewhere on the Strip or nearby to it. And if HR Giger is involved the sex might be weird but the sex will be there. One way or another. Maybe it will be in paralysis form where every one just stares in disbelief and don't actually do anything, but that's not an uncommon reaction when in HR's universe of mesmerizing disturbingness.

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