Thursday, June 6, 2013

The High Satanic Majesty of Satan, Ruler of The New Las Vegas

   If you're going to call a town sin city and Satan is not the mascot and chief entertainment officer then you are not in sin city. You are in the old Las Vegas. And the old Las Vegas has no place in the New Las Vegas. Hence, get used to seeing Satan. And one thing Satan loves to do is fuck and get everyone else to fucking also.  Now Christians who do not understand Christianity might balk at seeing Satan so generally allowed the artistic and motiflic run of the place. But look at the plus side: it will keep all the Muslims back in New York and Minnesota where they belong. Sure the depictions of forcible rape by alien beings will attract them but the fact that one of the alien beings is cartoons of Satan will terrify them. Sure, cartoons of Satan terrify a lot of addle-headed Christians too but Christians are good at giving in to temptation so they'll get over it.

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